Who wins? Mean Bro Voice vs the Amazing Consciousness of a 14 yr Old

My sweet 14 year old son knocked the socks off me the other night. (And yes, he's about 4 in the above photo, not 14. But super cute.)

He had eaten some dinner and then went up to his room, leaving all of the food out on the table. I noticed because it was unusual. Usually he's great about organizing leftovers in containers, putting dishes in the sink, and generally wiping up.

Being outside of the norm, I didn't mind so much, so I did it for him.

In 10 minutes he came back down and got everything out and started eating again. I went and sat by him, because, if you have teenage boys, you know that you sit with them when you can.

After a moment of eating he turned to me and said
"Mom, it was so weird! When I came down and saw you'd put all the food away this Mean Bro voice started yelling in my head, saying things like 'what the heck.  Why did she put it all away? I wasn't done!’ "

And then he goes on to say, "and suddenly I realized there was this weird Mean Bro voice in my head saying things that I didn't agree with! I was like ‘my mom is great, she loves me and always has food for me. She even cleans up for me! What's this weird Mean Bro voice doing here?’

He saw straight through it.

This floored me.

This is the kind of thing I teach clients, (I will be teaching a segment on it in my upcoming group course called a Valley of Not Knowing.. stay tuned), but I've never once told my son about this technique of listening to the voices in your head and realizing they're not you.

How did he come to embody the teaching so perfectly? How did he happen upon it effortlessly, and without any instruction?

The event led me to believe that there's a sort of consciousness soup or container that is built within a household, and in some way, teachings transmit without any verbalization.

Of course the converse is true, and unconscious material is transmitted in exactly the same way. But what a joy to realize that the conscious material can be transmitted effortlessly as well!

I don't know about you, but it took me till I was about 39 to even start to notice that there were horrible voices in my head, much less immediately disidentify from them and really take time to listen to their vibe so that I could rationally decide whether to pay them an ounce of my precious time.

He did all that in one fell swoop. Bam. 14 years old, free of Mean Bro voice.

Holy heck, there’s hope for this here world.


The Language of Heaven, & Driving to school with your kid.


the trouble with fear